Conflict Skills Practice Group

Every Wednesday, year round, on Zoom from 7-8:30pm EST. Drop-ins welcome. $10-$25 sliding scale per session, or $30-$75 for 4 sessions paid in advance (reduced rates available for BIPGM/trans/disabled folks).

Practicing conflict skills in a facilitated, low-stakes setting, with supportive people, can help you gain confidence and proficiency in navigating conflict when the stakes are higher.

Join with others who care about creating sustainable, healthy relationships and communities in a facilitated weekly conflict skills practice group session.

All skills levels and comfort levels welcome.

About the facilitator:

Amelia Meister is a conflict coach and mediator. I believe in a gentle, accessible approach to conflict to build healthy and long-lasting relationships, community and solidarity. For more in-depth about my qualifications and approach head to my About page.

To determine where you land on the sliding scale, follow this helpful graphic.