Conflict (r)Evolution

Map your unique conflict profile and growth path

MARCH 11th 5-8pm EST, on ZOOM

Everyone approaches conflict with a unique perspective and unique experiences shape how we engage with conflict. In this interactive workshop participants will create their personal conflict “Pokemon” card by learning about their conflict styles, how their nervous system engages in conflict, and what needs, tools and conditions help them to show up to conflict well. This resource can then be used for your own personal knowledge, to share with those close to you, and/or in groups that you may be part of.

In this self-reflective, honest space, you will assess where you are now in your conflict journey and, like Pokemon, map an evolutionary path towards deeper comfort and confidence in conflict.

$50-$150 sliding scale with additional financial support available, if need be.

All skill levels and comfort levels welcome. You don’t need to have any previous knowledge of Pokemon to attend.

About the facilitator:

Amelia Meister is a conflict coach and mediator. I believe in a gentle, accessible approach to conflict to build healthy and long-lasting relationships, community and solidarity. For more in-depth about my qualifications and approach head to my About page.

To determine where you land on the sliding scale, follow this helpful graphic.